Do you understand where your migraines are really coming from?

You may have been told that it was a “a vascular problem” or that “it is hereditary” or that you are “prone to triggers” like chocolate or red wine. This does not explain WHERE the headaches are coming from.

Cervicogenic Migraine

This medical term means “migraine generated from the neck”. So we can call this “Neck Migraine”.

Could Your Migraine Be Generated by Those Tight Sore Muscles in the Upper Back of your Neck?

Science has now discovered the chemical released as a consequence of those tight muscles.

It is Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide.

(Google this term, and it will pop right up.)

The Cervicogenic Migraine

The Cervicogenic Migraine (coming from the back of your neck) takes place when the the pain sensitive Dura (Meninges) is irritated. The Dura is the covering over the brain, brain stem and spinal cord.

There is one muscles in your neck that directly attaches to the Dura at the back of your neck.

Did you start to have headaches after a car accident, as in a whiplash injury, and has your neck never been right since?

The Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor Muscle

When the Rectus Capitis Posterior minor muscle is chronically tight due to whiplash injury, poor posture, or peering at a computer screen, it continues to tense the Dura, irritating it so that it releases the chemical Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide, which signals the Trigeminal Nerve, projecting pain into your head. (Google “Trigeminal Nerve and Migraine”).

So What is the Cause of Your Migraine?

  1. A chronically tight Rectus Capitis Posterior Muscle tenses the Dura, irritating it.
  2. The Dura (Meninges) then releases Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide alerting the Trigeminal Nerve.
  3. The Trigeminal Nerve fires into the brain producing migraines.

How to Stop the Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide from Triggering a Migraine

There are two ways to stop the production of Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide.

1. Develop a drug that will stop the production of the Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide. This Peptide is a necessary chemical for the regulation of vasodilation (expanding of the blood vessels) so there will be undesirable side effects


2. Stop the Dura from being irritated by relaxing the Rectis Capitis Posterior Minor Muscle and thereby relaxing all those tight muscles in the upper back part of your neck which is causing your migraine.

There is a Procedure that can Relax the Rectis Capitis Posterior Minor Muscle

The Cervicogenic Migraine Protocol, developed by Dr. Don Hackett D.C., has been shown to quickly and effectively relax that muscle so that relief from a migraine can be noticed within minutes of the procedure. Over a course of treatment the frequency, intensity and duration of migraine is dramatically reduced, or in some cases, eliminated altogether for most patients.

Triangle of Pain

With neck migraine clinical experience has shown that there is a connection between the muscles of the upper cervical spine (neck), the muscles of the upper chest as they attach into the front portion of the shoulder, and the muscles of the upper back as they attach into the back part of shoulder and then back up to the upper cervical spine.

If any of these muscle groups become overly stressed and tight, they will stress all of the other muscle groups, especially the muscles of the neck. The secret of this treatment is in relieving those muscle groups, which then takes the tension off of that connective tissue bridge to the dura. If this is the cause of your migraine, then relief may be noticed within minutes of being treated with the Cervicogenic Migraine Protocol.

“After numerous visits with my physical, an ENT special and a neurologist, I was told that there was no explanation, diagnosis or treatment for my pain and discomfort. After three sessions with Dr. Hackett, all of my pain and discomfort has been eliminated. I am now a firm believer.” – K.B.

 “I have had daily migraines for three years. I left Dr. Hackett’s office that first day without a migraine and haven’t had one since.” – T.B.


“I’ve seen Dr. Hackett eight times. The pain is gone.” – C.G.


“I have had many chiropractic treatments in the past, but with Dr. Hackett’s technique, I went from 2 migraines a week and headaches every day to two migraines a month and one headache a week after only eight visits.” – S.S.


“From February to now, I have had two migraines with a great decrease in intensity. From the very first treatment, I felt a very big difference and my migraines have decreased dramatically!” – R.M.


“I’ve seen Dr. Hackett six times and haven’t had a migraine since starting treatment.” – L.S.

If you think you might have this type of migraine, take a few minutes and fill out the questionnaire online and then contact me at If you feel that most of the questions apply to you, then you could be a candidate who will respond to our treatment protocol.

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